Welcome to


We exist to follow Jesus into the neighbourhood with an embodied message of faith, hope and love.

We’re now meeting in Kalkallo!

Our worship services have recently moved to Hume Anglican Grammar (Kalkallo campus).

Come along any Sunday!

Time: 10am - 11:30am

Address: 27 Goodman Avenue, Kalkallo VIC 3064

(entrance on Sequoia Drive)

  • Who Are We?

    We're a church plant of Mill Park Baptist Church.

    We began meeting as a core team in 2021, reading the ‘Kingdom of God’ Parables in the Gospels and imagining with God what ‘the Kingdom of God is like…’ in Donnybrook and beyond.

    We feel called to the northern growth corridor of Melbourne in all its rich ethnic diversity, to join in with God's activity in making Jesus known.

  • Small Groups

    We are deeply committed to looking up (to find God), looking out(for our neighbours), and looking in(on those in our sphere of influence).

    These three-dimensional habits are best expressed through a faith community that exists beyond Sunday. Join a mid-week small group to go deeper.


Our church is supported through the generous giving of our members.

To give a one-off or ongoing scheduled payment, please use the secure link below.

“The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood. We saw the glory with our own eyes, the one-of-a-kind glory, like Father, like Son, Generous inside and out, true from start to finish.’

— John 1:14 The Message