Our Story

Our story begins with the God who put on flesh and blood and moved into the neighbourhood in the person of Jesus.

“We exist to follow Jesus into the neighbourhood with an embodied message of faith, hope and love.”

— Purpose Statement

Beginning with a team from Mill Park Baptist Church, we began meeting regularly in 2021 in a home in Olivine Estate, Donnybrook.

Donnybrook is an area of astounding growth, and multiethnic diversity in Melbourne's North. We spent a year listening… to God, local stories, and one another to discern how best to join in God’s activity.

In June 2022, we held our public launch at Kirrip Community Centre in Wollert, with our inaugural service commissioning the newly established Donnybrook Community Church as ‘sent ones’ to embody the faith, hope and love of Jesus in our neighbourhood.

As of 2023, we are a recognised faith community of the Baptist Union of Victoria. We now meet at Donnybrook Primary School in the heart of Donnybrook.

Donnybrook Congregation

A New Thing…

Pastor Kat

Our Team.

Our team is led by Kathryn Jensen, an ordained Baptist minister. Kathryn served as an Associate Pastor at Mill Park Baptist Church for 12 years before following God’s call to plant Donnybrook Community Church. She has been shaped by ‘a ministry of reconciliation’ (2 Corinthians 5:18-20) and loves nothing more than seeing people find belonging and purpose through Jesus. She also enjoys good coffee, karaoke, and storm-chasing!

Suzi Kirkham is our Associate Pastor / Administrator. Suzi is driven by a passion for social justice and deep faith in our merciful God. With a heart for community and a commitment to mission, Suzi actively engages in various ministries, bringing a message of hope and purpose to those in need. Suzi is a self-proclaimed foodie and an avid lifelong learner. Whether sharing stories or savouring a cup of coffee, Suzi finds joy in fostering a sense of belonging and purpose within the community.

Our church leadership team is comprised of Kathryn Jensen, Wil and Sunè Burger, Bryan Keef, Ros Devenish, and Suzi Kirkham. We also work in partnership with Michelle Mitchell (Grassroots Placemaker). Our team are a gift to Donnybrook Community Church and the broader community!

Our Gift to You!

As our gift to you, you are welcome to join our subscription to Right Now Media (think, the ‘Christian Netflix’ of streaming content!)

Use the link below to create your own free account and start streaming!

Our world is in desperate need of hope…

We are shaped by 5 missional habits inspired by Michael Frost’s BELLS:

  • Bless

  • Eat

  • Listen

  • Learn

  • Send