Join a Small Group!

Life is better in circles, not rows!

There's a group for everyone


In. Up. Out.

Each of our small groups has been established with a 3-dimensional focus. We grow together by looking up to God in worship and prayer, looking in on one another in friendship, and looking out for our neighbours in loving service.

Weekly Groups.

Each small group meets weekly in a home, often over a meal. We currently have a Friday night mixed group for young professionals (Donnybrook), and two Wednesday night mixed groups (Doreen and Wollert). Our small groups have been working through a new study called Tricky Questions (all about engaging with the tricky questions that are asked of Christians). We are the gathered and sent people of God. Our small groups are where we live this out in community.

Join in.

There's a group for everyone!

Young and seasoned, families, couples and singles.

Come along and we'll get you connected!

Click the link below to join a Small Group: